Cal State L.A. Social Media Report

Social media has evolved to become the primary means by which students at college campuses across the country communicate with each other online. Cal State L.A. is no exception. Our commitment to social media at Cal State L.A. is driven by this realization.

As colleges are becoming increasingly competitive and prospective students are applying to more institutions, officials have to use social media to garner attention, which can be converted into high enrollment.[1] Students may explore a college’s social media outlets before choosing which one to attend and are generally more attracted to schools with an active online presence.[2] Documenting metrics is crucial to understanding the importance of investing in social media.

We measured our key performance indicators, from December 5, 2014, to September 11, 2015, and the results are impressive.

Download white paper to see full report. 

[1] Palmer, Eva, and Melissa Schapiro. "Social Media Office Creates Campus Community - The GW Hatchet." The GW Hatchet From Yik Yak to Snapchat GW Turns to Social Media to Connect with Students Comments. The GW Hatchet, 31 Aug. 2015. Web. 11 Sept. 2015.

[2] Jason Falls, the senior vice president for digital strategy at Elasticity, a digital public relations and marketing firm.